An ocean breeze whirs through my open window. I can smell the damp salt sticking to my curtains. My back aches and my fingers don't move quite as nimbly as they used to; staring at a computer screen day in and day out, for pleasure and work has only meant a thicker prescription for my eye-wear. It's just about September 1st and another year has gone by, a year from last September when I was just about to embark on a new city, a new travel adventure. Here I sit, one year later and it's the same story, different setting. My friends and I seem to be caught in the trap of our 20s, not a bad trap mind you; a curious and illuminating culmination of our youthful "go with the flow" attitude and the demise of our economy. It's not what we expected our 20-something year to be. So many tears, so many nervous laughter moments at in-appropriate times, so many what if's and maybe I should have's...
Thanks to a brilliant woman whom I admire greatly I have just discovered Alan Watt's "The Nature of Consciousness" which I think we can all benefit from experiencing. Another delightful person in my life shared New York Times article on my generation's "growing up" crisis.
It's scary to have so much before you and so many questions that will only be answered with time. never directly, always in hindsight. It's the bittersweet reality of existence. We cannot know, we must experience and as 20-somethings, we have a lot more of that to do.