Sunday, January 9, 2011

Some of my favorite places: Venice, Venice canals and Santa Monica, CA

Los Angeles Living in Photos (a quick snapshot)

Lots of fun things in the past few months. Playing, traveling, working and I got accepted into a graduate program in Vermont (TBD whether I will go or not)! Happy to be healthy, happy and focused on the present in 2011! Enjoy!

The kid in the photos is Milo, he is who I babysit in exchange for free room/board while living in Venice, CA. He is 9 years old and super fun to be around! We have a blast together. The group photo is at one of the schools that I run a literacy mentoring program at called Power Lunch.

And some more photos! The first one is my friend Dmitry and I at an event held by Yelp (peer review site) and the theme was "bad hair" thus my blue wig. The next picture of me after I finished my 5k awhile back (I am gearing up for another one this weekend!). Then Milo and I at the beach this weekend, the canoe outside of our house and finally the most recent picture of me!