Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sometimes we can't see what is right in front of us

i awoke to the sun streaming across my face this morning and blue sky peeking out from behind my dark brown curtains. The warmth only deepening my resolve to remain in bed while the light encouraged my senses to twitch. After many hours of determining what i wanted to do with my day off, i decided to meander the east side of central park since it is a mere three blocks from my apartment. along the way i passed a sign that read "reality center" and i paused. This caught my attention as lately i have been pondering over so called reality and the things that capture our sense of what that is. the earthquake in Haiti, the war in Iraq, our political systems, the people we interact with on a daily basis..truth..what is reality? i was about to abort (or at the very least postpone) my central park excursion to inquire at this "reality center" and see if they could perhaps enlighten me, provide me with the answers we all seek at some point in time...when i noticed the sign again...

"Realty Center."

Ah. Not the home to answers of existential questions , but questions about finding a home.

Central park east it was.

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