Running around Chelsea yesterday morning in the pouring rain, I had an exciting Mary Tyler Moore moment on the street when I was running down 6th Ave towards 21st Street with a gigantic bag of balloons trailing after me, and my hat flew off! This proved to be a challenging moment in my life where I had to make a split second decision: to risk the balloons smacking someone in the head (or worse flying away!) to get my hat that was bound straight for a puddle (let's be honest, a murky lake), or run the remaining five blocks back without a hat or umbrella and potentially increase my chance to lower my immune system and catch H1N1 virus (trying to be politically correct...) or the H3N8 virus (aka "Horse Flu") though, 'they' tell me that it's found only in animals...suuure. Just like Swine--er, H1N1 flu, right?...
You can bet your darn patooty that I reached down and grabbed that hat! And, I didn't even lose a single balloon.
*UPDATE: Later in the day it was discovered that we were one balloon short of 26 (one for each letter of the alphabet) and thus, I had to go back. Let it be noted that the incident above did not reoccur.
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