Flying used to be a thing of luxury and show, excitement and exoticism. Not that it isn't those things today for many people, not to mention a privilege that I don't take for granted...I feel a bit numbed by all my bi-coastal traveling in the last few weeks. I've always known that I love to travel. I've always known that I love to fly. What I just discovered, is that I really hate sitting on a plane and I do not enjoy airports like I used to. I still find them fascinating places to people watch (when I am not so tired that I fall asleep only to be abruptly awoken by a women shouting to her husband which literally made me jump up and think that I had missed my flight...I was quite delirious and I am sure she thought I was on drugs with my eyes glazed and red as they were--this was in Chicago, too so add in some very think Chicaaaago accents) and they each have unique ambiances that range from Stark Stoicism to Chic Modernism but, an airport is chaos. It is a microcosm of society that you can't find anywhere else, it creates relationships that are the epitome of temporary and yet, profound in some circumstances, above all else it seems to be a social experiment. Fascinating, yes. Enjoyable? No. I love my destinations. The anticipation of going somewhere and having a new experience despite having been there before or not. I think it's what I live for.
I just got back from my bi-coastal trip to San Francisco, more specifically, Stinson Beach. My grandmother turned 75 on 9-9-09 and wanted to have her whole family together (or as many as could make it) so she rented a house right on the beach for us to stay at. There was 18 people at the peak of population at our abode. It always amazes me how much FUN we have when we get together. I absolutely adore my family. It stung though, to realize just how far away I am from everyone now that I am going to be living in New York City.
Another new land, a world away from my familiarity: Istanbul, Turkey. It is strange how I haven't really even thought much about this trip. It's been in the back of mind but it hasn't been the main source of excitement or anxiety. I've had so many things going on like moving, interview and traveling that I haven't had time to process it. And, now it's tomorrow. I think this will be the end of my international travels for awhile. When I get back I have to turn into a 'real' person and find a job (or start my job?). Sad, reality. I wish I could stay in fantasy-travel-land forever. But alas, I must join the ranks of the living and impoverished, at least temporarily. Until my next post (hopefully from Turkey!)...
Peace and wellness to you all.
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