It is 4:49 am in Bellingham. In Seattle. In Washington. Pacific Standard Time. It is 6:49 am where I am. In between my home and my destination. Caught in the rift between my two time zones. Eastern Standard Time, I am on my way.
Currently, I am ini the Chicago O'Hare airport. I have another (almost) 3 hours until my next flight leaves. Then, onward to my new state: New York.
For someone who has flown so much in her life I can say that this trip has thus far brought new experiences. First, I got driven to the airport in a preeetty fancy Lincoln Towncar (stylish, oh ya.), which I have never had done before. Second, I checked luggage!! Not just any luggage though, THREE bags...two of them weighing an inhumane (to those poor airline workers) 47.5 lbs each, and my 'little' bag weighing in at 34.5 lbs! Not my usual style--trust me. For one of the first times in my life, I walked onto a plane, knew where I was sitting and sat there. No problems, no questions, minimal waiting (who knew?!) and only had my laptop and purse (feels more like a small child-stuffed bag--did I forget to tell Tamia I took "A" with me? Just Kidding!). What freedom! What sheer simplicity. No wonder few people really enjoy flying stand-by. I still don't mind it, as it has allowed me to go so many places (thanks Dad!). But, really? I guess money really can buy comfort and ease. On a plane that is. The last new experience is rather unpleasant. I have always been a sleeper on planes, trains, automobiles--really any kind of transportation and Zonk/I am out. This time around, I couldn't get comfortable from the get-go. This then manifested into whole body aches and pains. My hands, wrists and legs seizing into deep aching cramps that still are hurting me now as I type. I tried to massage them and it did not help at all. My neck hurt, my back hurt. I felt nausous and was having to meditate and lull myself into focusing on other things just so as not to get sick throughout a large part of the flight. I think it could have come from a few things potentially: nerves. I mean, I AM moving all the way across the country and it's sad. and scary; lack of food/water. I was too nervous to really eat or drink before I left; The cold/flu going around Seattle (sorry airplane passengers if you now get this, too! No, I did not start an epidemic...?) or finally, maybe it was the Odwalla Mango Tango that sat out for 4+ hours that I chugged while I was waiting to go through Security at SeaTac?? Not quite sure. Regardless, I am not feeling very well now. Sleep deprivation, I am sure, is not going ot help my symptoms but hopefully the ibuprofen I took will.
T-Minus 2 hours until next flight departure. Oh dear. Airport stays, I am alll too familiar with the monotony. Thank you Internet Access. I really appreciate your existence right now.
Write y'all from the EST.
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Just passing by to say hi and how much iI 'd love if you followed my blog, too. :)
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