Turn up Park Avenue...no no, that's not right. Should I turn around? I know I'm go ing the wrong direction, but I'll look like an idiot for turning mid-sidewalk and going in the opposite direction. I have to turn around. I'll just pretend like someone called me and I have to go meet them, that way no one suspects that I am not from the City. Abruptly stops and digs in purse (seemingly frantically)for phone to look at it, and then again, abruptly, turn around and continue the other (correct) direction. Whew. Well, that wasn't too scary. Now...where to turn next? I need to West 23rd Street to get back to the subway station, but where is it? There's the park, there's the statue of some guy cast in bronze, and oh oh there it is! YAY!
Thus was many a moment in today's "ADVENTURE IN NEW YORK CITY" where Heather finds herself going in the wrong direction multiple times and keeps walking...knowingly. This is called an unfortunate case of pride and I-don't-want-you-to-know-that-I-am-new-here-and-think-badly-of-me-even-though-you-aren't-even-paying-attention-to-me-and-I-am-pretty-sure-that-I-flashed-a-whole-bunch-of-people-when-the-wind-blew-my-skirt-up syndrome. Terribly unfortunate. But, gratefully didn't last too long.
Today is my official full second day in the city. It is quite bizarre to be here. This is a place I've wanted to live in for so long. And, now I'm here. Jobless and though not homeless I do not have a 'home'. I have been fortunate enough to have a good friend of mine from high school, LouAnne, offer me her apartment to stay in with her while I am figuring things out. It's muggy here, but I don't mind it. My hair and skin are acting differently, but considering the time I've spent in D.C. and Ghana, I am well prepared to handle the frizz and an extra layer of sweat.
I went and scoped out the building my interview is in tomorrow. It is swanky. Very classy and professional. Huge glass displays with china, jewelry, silver and glass. There is a lovely little park, the madison square park, right across from the building. I am sure it is a great place for lunches and afternoon breaks. I really hope that the interview goes well tomorrow. I haven't had a job interview in 3 years and am quite nervous about the possible questions they are going to ask me. What if I just freeze? I'll think of something, I know that. It will be nice to have this put behind me and then I can be even more excited about TURKEY!! So much traveling in such a short amount of time is exhausting. Tomorrow will be my third day here and then I leave super early Thursday morning for San Francisco. I hope my flight out west goes better than it did the east. I was in so much pain. Ugh. I'll take some tylenol PM or something to knock me out.
Well, I am on the move again...
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