Thursday night I went to the iDiOM Theater for the start of the 24 hr Theater Festival Fundraiser. The breakdown:
Five directors/writers
approx. 25 people
Thursday night: 7-8pm theme chosen **To Split a Herd** (teams were also picked using the randomly drawn from a hat method)
Thursday 8pm-Friday 9am writers/directors (the same person) wrote their script for an approximately 12-15 minutes play
Friday 9am-8pm Actors recieve script, rehearse, memorize, rehearse, memorize (did I mention rehearse and memorize?)
Friday 8pm PERFORM!! & (rehearse, memorize...) 10pm PERFORM (this performance, by the way was flawless and felt incredible)!!
Exhausting. Yes. Worth it? Absolutely. I don't know another experience that provides me with so much satisfaction at the end of the day--I just did a whole play in one day!? Mmmhmm. Pretty bitchin.
After staying up waaay past my bedtime and not getting home until 2am (it was my last show and yes, I went out for pizza and drinks after with the group)then packing until 3am for my weekend excursion to Seattle, I got up at 6:45am. It was brutal. I needed to shower though, and make an 8am Greyhound bus. Thus, with my barely 4 hours of sleep I meandered my way to Seattle and decided, instead of taking a bus up the hill to Capitol Hill, I would walk--yes. After all of that and being a vewy sleepy bear, I walked. En route to my sisters apartment I detoured and went into a lovely vintage/used store called Le Frock, a store that I so easily get lost in. Amidst the vintage Jimmy Choo shoes (amazingly in my size--what?) and the silk Diane von Furstenberg dresses and dangling in between the sequined clutch bags hanging from the full length mirrors, I found my tired self tucked into a tiny overheated dressing room aimlessly trying on the delectible designs because, that's what I felt like doing at 10:30am. Eventually, I did leave (empty handed but wishing not!) and caught a bus up the big hill.
A lovely afternoon spent with my family on Bainbridge Island, and a nap later, I was surrounded by the people who I love the most and getting a little misty eyed when I thought of leaving for the otherside of the country. Some part of me thinks it's crazy and selfish for wanting to go on such an adventure, for so long potentially and far away. Where have the old values gone that keeps families close by? Parents and children living on the same street, the same least the same state? Is that gone, or am I just too set in my nomadic ways?
After saying goodbye to the island family and bringing home some treasures found in my mom's old photo albums, I again found my eyes heavy and on the ferry ride back and car ride up the hill I dozed in and out of consciousness; reality playing games with me and my subconsious existence. Was I already in New York? Why was Brett on the Ferry, isn't he in Texas? No, I am not asleep just resting my eyes...
Sunday proved to be a lovely day first of all because I got to SLEEP IN! Thank you to my wonderful big sister Tamia for that one...little Avery wakes up bright and early as toddlers do, and she crept out into the living room where auntie heather was very asleep on the couch and made a noise of some kind that awoke me. I tried to speak, but I am pretty sure that Avery was more vocally coherent than I was, which for a 2 3/4 year old is special. I guess that the Sunday morning ritual is to hang out in mama and papa's room anyways, so their schedule wasn't too terribly disturbed by the 'dead to the world' auntie dozing on the couch. Eventually though, we all were up and I had a wonderful afternoon with Tamia. We went to see Julie/Julia and I think that we both agreed with the reviews on this one and that it was a good movie--but, would have been better had it been all about Julia Child! Not that Julie Powell's story wasn't cute and endearing at moments, and Amy Adams who played Julie was very good...but, Meryl Streep stole the show as did Julie Child's story and the amazing adventure of her life. What a really cool woman she was. I must read her book now, though that won't be for a bit as my stack of books is still quite high! After returning from the movie and stepping out into the surprisingly sunny day, Tamia and I shared a delicious hotdog and raspberry/strawberry lemonades and headed back to the apartment. My other sister Jasmine was there and we all hung out and played with Avery while visiting. Since Jasmine is leaving for South America in October, all of us won't be together until sometime next year...sad. And Jas is now going into the Peace Corps late next year so, wow--lots of travel in the future!! Alas, I finally made it home after walking up from the bus station into Fairhaven and thought I could catch a city bus home only to find out, nope. Definitely no bus #14 after 6pm on Sundays--awesome. Lovely Sarah came and picked me up in her (new to her) Nissan that has a terrible oil leak and started making a distinct squeaking nose on our way home.
And now...

I got to work today and decided to check my bank accounts and credit card as I usually do, just to keep up with my always-hoverin-at-poverty-level income. I have a lovely Quicken program that I love sooo much because it has everything on one very well-designed page. I was happy to see that saving for my trip to Turkey is coming along nicely, and then I noticed that my credit card seemed to be rather low considering I never use it...this led to further investigation whence I come to find out that not only have I had money taken from my account, but over $200!! The idiot that I am, the first charge was back at the end of MAY, two in June and FOUR in July! Granted, I am going to give myself sooome leeway because they were sneaky and made them look like charges that I could have made.
BEWARE the Scammers:
Grant Finder 877-817-9769 CYP (yes, CYP is short Cypress...the island)
Adword-Search 877-616-9329 CYP
ID Cred-It Monitor 866-892-0022 CYP
Blazingwords 866-200-5186 CYP
Search Assistant Suppor 888-203-0065 UT (Utah)
They are all from the same source the general consensus online has been a Google profit thing (I would assume that it has nothing to actually do with Google, but a way to make it appear legit). However, people have claimed not to have any connection with the Google profit thing and have had not only their credit card but their debit card scammed too. I called my credit card company and they were really great and understanding, so should something like this happen to you (and might I suggest that paying that extra little fee per month for payment protection/fraud is SO worth it) just breathe, and know you aren't the only one. However, I will say that this is the last time I casually look over my billing statements. Eagle eyes are here to stay...
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