Monday, August 31, 2009

Play.Ground.Play: a night time pondering photo poem

In wonderment I wonder, where can the stars be tonight? While they gaze from the sky, wishing for me to wish upon them, do they wonder where have I gone? I wonder if the universe feels lonely to the stars: to suspend within the sky, twinkling. The silent, distant, unseen existence weights heavily on my mind. And yet, I wonder what if we are only as significant as the stars? You. Me. Them. Caught in this web, this entanglement of existence. You. Me. Us. We are together in this vast nothingness--everythingness. Twinkling.

1 comment:

Betty Manousos said...

I keep on reading your posts because I find them interesting.
I hope you get a chance to check out mine!
Thank you :) I'm looking forward to "hear" from you.